One sort of time capsule for any given era is which Halloween costumes were popular in that year or time period.
Back in the 90s, for instance, Monica Lewinsky costumes had a bit of a moment, and every year political costumes lampooning current candidates or figures are a big seller. (And often seem to turn up in movies during bank robberies.) Current events in general are another big influencer- who can forget a costume like Bill Maher’s Steve Irwin with a stingray barb after the TV star’s sudden death in 2006?
It can almost feel like the peak of a trend or story is its appearance as a major costume trend that year. 2011′s top costumers are no different than recent years, serving as a reminder of what everyone is talking about, admiring, listening to or playing right now. In the 80′s, top costumes included Mario and Luigi from the classic video game franchise Super Mario Bros., but kids (and adults) today have a more modern game to emulate- Angry Birds costumes are not surprisingly a big seller in 2011.
TV and film are big influencers of top costumes as well, with the Walking Dead‘s leading man Rick Grimes as a popular choice for men in 2011. Alice in Wonderland‘s Mad Hatter and the Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em robots- which will feature in an upcoming film- are also gaining steam. Women, on the other hand, are favoring pop stars and celebrities, with Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj disguises as top costumes of 2011.

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